
Wednesday 26 December 2018

The Beginning

  To begin with this blog, I would like to first narrate on how I chose law as my pathway to the future. Around in the middle of March 2018, my whole family went to the exhibition fair at Midvalley to search for a decent college. I was still very much unsure of what I was going to do in the future. Most people who know me, including myself, thought that I would go to a music college, or a teacher's college like my mother. However, I was not very much interested in pursuing music at a college. I felt that I wanted more than that. I wanted some kind of an interesting subject that will give me further knowledge about the outside world instead of being caved inside the small bubble of the familiar subject. I wanted something new and fresh. I was also considering the various subjects based on my SPM results, deciding that anything related to science is out of my league so it was narrowed down to the art subjects.

  It was at this exhibition that my mum also began questioning me about what occupation I like (as though as if I was back in primary 1). It was definitely a last minute decision. To be frank, I was not even interested or excited in this fair. I was not expecting anything; all I expected was to see my friend at ATC booth there. To be clearer on this matter, she was helping out a law college she was studying at - and mind you, she's not the reason why I decided to study law either. Back on track, my mum suggested law to me and I thought that since there was nothing I'm actually good at, I just went with it so I have an answer to the promoters who asked me what subject I am seeking for. This was how I found out about BAC actually when one promoter told me to go to BAC as they are deemed to be the best in law education.

  My mum was surely impressed of this particular school and at the lecturer's advocacy skills. I was, too and surprised myself for actually understanding what he was talking about until the price point came up. Apparently the school fees was more than what we could afford so off we went in hope for another better institute. Then, we came across my friend's booth and my mum decided to enquire. We event went to this institute personally. We found out that I could study for free as I satisfied the requirement for scholarship. Now, this institute (ATC) was in KL and I was partly tempted of the fact that I would get to hunt for good food and to regularly have the table graced with yong tau foo. For the next week, I went for their trial class. I was really excited. It was also my first time taking the train alone with my friend (and at this time, I was already very much interested in law).

  I remembered one Thursday, on the 20th March 2018, (as I refer back to my original entry in my diary) "I went to Kuala Lumpur Courts Complex. It's more like a magistrate court and it was big, with two sides stretching to the further end. The lawyers dressed up very neatly, with their sharp-edged stilettos. On the inside, many of them were older and looked wise. They looked elegant, proud….and stressed." I still remembered vividly how I saw one senior lawyer with a female assistant was pulling a luggage bag along with him. It reminded me very much of a drama (Woman With A Suitcase) in which the "attorney" always brought along her suitcase with all the important files inside. It was amusing to me. So in the end, I enrolled into this college, elated with the subjects I have chosen. I am happy to be at ATC although people say it is far too small for a college.

Info you might be interested:
1. What course are you taking?
- A-levels

2. Subjects?
- Law, Eng Lit, Business.
- Just want to add that Eng literature is my favourite subject XD. I was hesitant in taking it at first because of how my parents discouraged me by saying that it is a hard subject but I enjoyed it a lot and I regret nothing.

Updated at 9.13 a.m., 24 December 2018

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