
Saturday 23 February 2019

Death And Birth

11.43 a.m., 16 August 2018, Thursday
Mood: Tired 😴

 Birth is something that people gladly receive. Death, is something people deemed as a dark and a sad event. Some people go through illness before passing, some just die in their sleep; the most peaceful way of passing but some people get shot and blood was splattered, while the others died in natural disasters. There are so many causes to a death, but there is only one way to birth, from a mother's womb - unless you want to include the not-so-new-technology of test tube babies.

 However, what I witnessed the most is the pathetic, pitiful and painful process to death. People grow old and are bound to die and since there is no way of escaping death's door, they either live a healthy life throughout or just one filled with problems. In most cases, people get sick which is also a sort of a time-bomb reminding us of the limited time left such as the ever-so-notorious cancers, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. The process is unbearable to see where they suffered all the time. It is a never-ending pain.

 When they do die, they go so ungracefully because of her loved ones witnessing the stages to her death. Perhaps if no one witnessed it, it would not be so ungraceful and ugly. Some people believed that if you come into this world so grandly, you should also die gracefully and beautifully. This is why some people hire desairologist to make the dead beautiful before they really go.

 I feel sad for those who had to go through continuous treatment to the point that they had to be fed through tubes in the hospital bed. Worse of all, people will begin to leave the ill person, some not even visiting them to their last day. It is sad to see how death separate people and see their true colours. Only at such stage when you need help the most that people peeled out their layers of masks.

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